Friday, December 26, 2008

Santa brought T-Shirts!

The new ZMB logo T's have arrived. The elves were working hard through the ice storms and power outages. BTW, what powers Santa's workshop? Any retired elves out there that can reveal the secret? Anyway, the T-shirts come in pink or purple with the sweet ZMB logo on the front and the website on the back. Go return that awful sweater at the mall and order a new T-shirt at the ZMB store!


  1. Damn, do you have any ZMB Coasters yet? What about ZMB whisks? I just want to put that logo all over my house! I'm contemplating a tattoo on my forehead.

  2. Amen on needing coasters!!!! Need to add to my set of 1!

  3. I want coasters, too!!!
