Monday, August 17, 2009

Maine Trip 2009

Last week, Justin (drums) and I each had our vacations up in Maine. Justin spent his time in southern Maine on the beach, getting a sweet tan...meanwhile, I paraded around the northern and midcoast areas, staying ghostly white, and ending up more drained than I was before the start of vacation! Next time I think I'll try the beach. The above picture is quite clearly a picture of me jumping off a mountain....I have great high range diving skills, so no worries..the landing was smooth. The next picture is of a road in northern Maine (location: Grandfalls Township, Population: 0 or a few when we visit). The road is clearly washed out thanks to some pesky beavers. Luckily, my trusted truck Clifford made it through with only a couple of rocks stuck inside the wheels.

The driveway to my family's camp is also quite developed. As you can see by the picture to the right, it is more or less a tunnel through the woods. This is the same driveway that my mother was chased by a bear on in the late 90s. Don't worry, she only jogs now with a 'anti-bear' necklace around her neck. It has bells that jingle as she runs and you know how much bears hate the sound of bells.

After doing some fishing and camp firing, it was off to Hope, ME, to see the famous moose who goes by the name "Hamilton." "Everett" the cow also made an appearance and a good time was had by all! After more hiking and more boating, I was all vacationed out. Justin and I both returned from our vacations in time to rock the house at the Precinct in Somerville. It was good to be back on stage again, but also sad to leave the state that I have so many great memories in. I caught up with the family and saw lots of old college friends. Now that I'm back in town, it's time to finish mastering the album so that we can release within the next month. Stay tuned for an update on a more specific release date.

Zac Mac

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